Top 10 Low Investment Side Businesses in Malaysia

Low Investment

Hello, aspiring entrepreneurs! Are you looking to dive into a side business but worried about the risks and investments involved? Fear not! Malaysia is a land brimming with opportunities, especially for those willing to venture into the entrepreneurial world with minimal startup capital. Today, we’re exploring some fantastic low investment side businesses that could be your ticket to additional income without breaking the bank.

Why Consider a Side Business?

In today’s economy, having a single source of income is often not enough to meet all our financial goals or satisfy our entrepreneurial spirit. A side business not only bolsters your income but also allows you to explore your passions and develop new skills. And the best part? You can start small with minimal financial commitment!

Criteria for Choosing a Low Investment Side Business

Choosing the right side business involves more than just following your heart. It requires a strategic approach, considering factors such as market demand, required skills, scalability, and, importantly, initial investment. Finding a business that aligns with your interests and market needs while requiring low upfront investment can set you on the path to success.

Top 10 Low Investment Side Businesses in Malaysia

1. BK8 Affiliates

Starting with a bang, the BK8 Casino Affiliate program offers a lucrative opportunity for those interested in the online casino industry. As an affiliate, you promote BK8, a leading online casino platform, and earn commissions when your referrals play. It’s a fantastic way to generate income from a growing industry without any direct selling.

  • How to Start: Sign up for the affiliate program on BK8’s website, receive your marketing materials, and start promoting through your blog, social media, or even a YouTube channel.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where you sell products without holding inventory. You simply set up an online store, partner with suppliers, and they ship the products directly to your customers.

  • Why It’s Great: You don’t need to invest in stock or manage shipments, making it a hassle-free way to dive into e-commerce.

3. Freelance Content Writing

If you have a knack for writing, freelance content writing can be a rewarding side hustle. From blog posts to web content, companies are always in need of quality writing.

  • Getting Started: Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer are great places to find initial gigs. Build a portfolio to showcase your work and gradually increase your rates as you gain experience.

4. Online Tutoring

Share your knowledge and skills through online tutoring. Whether it’s academic subjects, music lessons, or professional courses, tutoring is in high demand.

  • Tips for Success: Use platforms like or create a profile on social media to reach potential students. Offering lessons in the evenings or weekends can fit around your regular job.

5. Digital Marketing Services

As businesses increasingly move online, digital marketing skills like SEO, social media management, and email marketing are in high demand.

  • How to Start: Learn the necessary skills through online courses and offer your services to small businesses or start-ups that might not have the budget for large marketing firms.

6. Handmade Crafts Seller

Turn your crafting hobby into a business by selling your creations online. Platforms like Etsy or Instagram are perfect for marketing handmade goods.

  • Business Tip: Focus on unique or culturally significant items that attract both locals and tourists.

7. E-book Publishing

For those who love writing, publishing e-books can be a profitable venture. Write about topics you are passionate about or that address specific market needs.

  • Publishing Platforms: Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allows you to reach a global audience and get royalties for your work.

8. Photography

If you have a good eye and a professional camera, photography can be a fulfilling and profitable business.

  • Market Strategy: Specialize in niches like weddings, corporate events, or product photography to increase your visibility and rates.

9. Fitness Coaching

Turn your passion for fitness into a side business by becoming a fitness coach. Offer personalized coaching sessions or create workout plans for clients.

  • Certification: Getting certified as a personal trainer can enhance your credibility and allow you to charge higher rates.

10. Meal Prep Business

Cater to the busy lifestyles of urban dwellers by offering pre-prepared healthy meals. This business requires basic cooking skills and an understanding of nutrition.

  • Marketing Tip: Use social media to showcase your meals and offer subscription plans for regular deliveries.


Embarking on a side business journey in Malaysia doesn’t have to be daunting or overly expensive. With the right idea and a bit of passion, you can start small and grow steadily. Whether it’s becoming a BK8 affiliate or selling your crafts, the possibilities are endless. So why not take that first step today and start building a side business that not only boosts your income but also fulfills your entrepreneurial spirit? Remember, every big business started with a small step. Happy entrepreneuring!

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